Monikulttuurinen opetus

Järvenpäässä vieraskielisille järjestettävän opetuksen tavoitteina ovat oppilaiden suomen kielen taidon vahvistaminen, toimiva kaksikielisyys sekä identiteetin vahvistuminen oman kieli- ja kulttuuritaustan pohjalta.

Multicultural education

In Järvenpää, pupils belonging to foreign language groups are arranged
• preparatory education
• Finnish as a second language education
• pupil’s own mother tongue education

These forms of education are available for:
• foreign-language pupils
• multilingual pupils whose parents or one parent speaks other than Finnish or Swedish as their mother tongue
• children adopted from abroad and returnees

The education supports the Finnish-language learning of pupils of different language and cultural groups, the development of their own mother tongue skills and the strengthening of multilingual identities.

Preparatory education for immigrants

The City of Järvenpää organises preparatory education for immigrants in primary school in connection with basic education at Kartano school. Preparatory education for children in first grade is organised at their local school in a Finnish-language group. After the preparatory education, the child will continue to comprehensive education in the same group.

Preparatory education for basic education is meant for pupils who need support in skills required for attending school and increased proficiency in the Finnish language prior to starting their basic education. The goal of preparatory education is to further the balanced development of the child and his/her integration into Finnish society, and to provide the skills needed for transferring to basic education. Following the preparatory education, the pupils transfer to the primary school group. The preparatory education lasts approximately one year.

How to apply to preparatory education?

When a pupil moves to Järvenpää, the guardian contacts Järvenpää Info and Immigrant office Maspa provides help with the school applications:
Sibeliuksenkatu 8, 3. floor
Tel. +35840 315 3423
Open Monday-Wednesday 9–15, Thursday klo 9–17 Friday klo 9–13.

Coordinator of multicultural education will arrange a meeting about preparatory education
Pekka Toivanen, email
tel. +35840 315 3959

Finnish as a second language and literature

Finnish as a second language and literature is one of the courses offered. Instruction in Finnish as a second language and literature is provided to pupils whose native language or language spoken at home is neither Finnish nor Swedish. It can also be taught to returnees and pupils who have resided overseas for long periods. Its objectives and contents differ from the study of Finnish as a first language and literature. The teacher will test which course would be appropriate for the pupil and the guaradian will choose the course.

For further information on teaching, please contact the coordinator of multicultural education Pekka Toivanen at tel. 040 315 3959.

Pupil’s own mother tongue education

Foreign-language pupils are supported to maintain and further develop their mother tongue skills. This lays the foundation for functional bilingualism and supports also learninf Finnish as a second language. When possible teaching in pupil’s own mother tongue education is arranged if four students sign up for the language course in the beginning of the school year.

Students receive a certificate at the end of the school year for studying pupil’s own mother tongue.

During the school year 2024–2025 teaching in pupil’s own mother tongue is offered in seven languages:

  • Arabic: Kartanon koulu
  • Chinese: Kartanon koulu
  • Estonian: Saunakallion, Koivusaaren, Kinnarin, Haarajoen ja Anttilan koulut
  • French: Järvenpään Yhteiskoulu
  • German: Tuusulanjärven koulu, Tuusula
  • Russian: Anttilan, Kartanon, Koivusaaren, Mankalan, Haarajoen, Harjulan ja Saunakallion koulut sekä Järvenpään Yhteiskoulu
  • Thai: Kartanon koulu
  • Ukrainian: Saunakallion, Kartanon ja Koivusaaren koulu
  • Vietnamese: Saunakallion koulu
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