Etusivu/Hyvinvointi ja terveys/Turvallinen arki ja hyvinvointityö/Koronatietoa/Information on coronavirus in different languages
Information on coronavirus in different languages
Updated 6 May
In these pages you can find useful information on coronavirus pandemic and it’s effect on Järvenpää city services. First, there’s a brief information in English and then, in the available minority languages.
Do you suspect a coronavirus infection?
Visit Keusote online Health Care Service (Nettipalvelu) and complete a sympton inquiry. Do you have a respiratory infection and need consultation from a nurse or a doctor? Call Keusote Corona Care Line Tel. 019 226 0099. The phone line is open everyday between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Online Health Care Service (Nettipalvelu)
Verso Immigrant Office
If any other questions should arise, you can always contact Verso Immigrant office. Immigrant office Verso provides service through phone, email and WhatsApp communication. Personal appointment times are given only for urgent and necessary matters. Verso provides instructions for clients in hand- and coughing hygienic matters and how to act with possible corona infection. Information is given through social media, client contacts, and meetings.
Information on coronavirus
Information on Covid-19 on THL (National Institute for Health and Welfare) page
Frequently asked question on Covid-19 on THL (National Institute for Health and Welfare) page
Information on coronavirus in English (Etno)
Information on coronavirus in Arabics (Etno)
Information on coronavirus in Estonian language (Etno)
Information on coronavirus in Russian language (Etno)
Information on coronavirus in Somali language (Etno)
Other languages
To support municipalities to raise awareness about COVID-19 among the migrant population, IOM Italy has produced the following multi-language informative leaflets in 32 languages. These pages were checked by Finnish Red Cross.
Albania, Amharic, Arabic, Bambara, Bengali, Chinese, Edo, English, Esan-Ishan, Farsi, French, Fula, Hausa, Igbo, Italian, Kurdish-Soran, Mandinka, Pashto, Pidgin, Romanian, Russian, Serbian kyrillic, Somali, Soninke, Spanish, Tigrinya, Urdu, Wolof and Yoruba.