Immigrant office

Have you just moved to Finland and to the city of Järvenpää? Welcome!

Immigrant Office welcomes you for information, advice and guidance regarding the different aspects of living in Finland, and particularly in Järvenpää.

Järvenpää’s Immigrant Office is located in the center of Järvenpää at Järvenpää-info, Sibeliuksenkatu 8, 3rd floor. During constructions the entrance is from Mannilantie where you can find ”Järvenpää-info” -sign on top of the entrance door. There you will need to take the stairs or the elevator to the 3rd floor, and walk through the courtyard to the main doors.

The service is open without an appointment on Mon-Wed from 9am to 3pm, on Thursdays from 9am to 5pm and on Fridays from 9am to 1pm.

You can call us either regarding your personal situation or for more information in the general subject of immigration and immigrants in Finland, tel. +358 40 315 3423.

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